The Mountaineer Food Bank, Pocahontas Mobile Food Pantry and the Richwood Pantry will be distributing food on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 from 9am-11am.
The new Home of the Starting Points Children Center.
Food will be distributed at the old “Cherry River Bank building, located at 44 East Main Street, Richwood. There will be fresh produce, meat and canned goods available to all. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Barb Radcliff and/or Ms. Marla Short at 304-846-4479.
The Richwood Pantry will be relocating. The plan, subject to approval by the Board of Directors for both the Richwood Pantry and the Nicholas County Empowerment Corporation, is for the Pantry to move to the old “Company Store” located at 44 East Main Street. There will be more information about this move forthcoming in the near future.
Information about FEMA Assistance, SBA Assistance and Rebuild Richwood is being updated weekly (if not daily). To help residents of the community get correct, up to date information, we urge residents to contact Ms. Rita DeMario at 304-846-2271 (she coordinates the volunteer effort at the Armory) and/or Ms. Mary Jane Williams at 304-846-6790 (she works at the Richwood Chamber of Commerce.
Additionally, we are working to develop a Public Service Announcement process that will involve local radio, television and newspaper outlets. We will keep you informed of our progress.
You can also call the Richwood Family Center at 304-846-2773 for help.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is now setting up a Command Center at City Hall, Second Floor. They will be taking applications and working with business owners and residents from 7:00am to 7:00pm.
The National Guard medical unit/dispensary has moved to Camden Family Health (the
office of Doctor Joe Dawson). The office is located at 58 East Main Street, Richwood, WV 26261. Phone number is: 304-846-2608. Again, you can obtain tetanus shots/inoculations and general medical supplies (band-aides, rubbing alcohol, etc.)
The National Guard has set up a Medical Unit/Dispensary. They are located in the mall parking lot behind the Fired Department; and adjacent to the State Farm Insurance office. They are providing tetanus shots and other medical assistance. If you are in need of medicine, tetanus shots or other medical assistance please visit. They will be here through the remainder of the week, unless otherwise deployed by the Governor. The Unit is led by Doctor Carson, who formerly worked for the Summersville Regional Medical Center.
Also, Rite Aid has set up a temporary dispensary at Cherry River Mall. They are assisting in filling prescriptions.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assistance is now available for Nicholas County. You can apply online by clicking here.
Assistance is provided to all affected residents; which includes property owners, renters and business owners.
To reach FEMA by phone, please call the numbers listed below.
800-621-3362 (toll free)
Persons receiving assistance through the WV-Department of Health and Human Resources (WV-DHHR) should also apply. There are several forms of assistance available for affected families. Start by contacting your DHHR worker.
The Nicholas County Health Department will be providing a “Tetanus Clinic” at the Richwood Public Library located at 8 White Avenue, Richwood, WV. Shots will be given in the Conference Room on Tuesday, June 28, 2016, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Please enter from Lumberjack Street that runs along Cherry River Plaza (between municipal parking lot and the Richwood Volunteer Fire Department).
The rebuild of Richwood begins. Yes, there was a flood; the worst in more than 100 years. There are pictures on social media showing the devastation; so there is no need to burden you with such pictures now.
But, the city and its residents survived. Now the cleanup and restoration begins. This is a great time to be a resident of Richwood. You now have the opportunity to be a part of the city’s revival.
The National Guard has been in town helping with the distribution of food and clothing. There will soon be a garbage pickup coordinated by the National Guard and the City of Richwood.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be in town sometime Sunday, June 26, 2016, to begin the process of assessing the amount of assistance needed. All residents affected by the flooding should file damage claims. More information on how to properly file claims will be forthcoming.
Regarding donations, Fire Chief Tommy Coleman suggests the following:
Donations of food that must be cooked and/or clothing; please take these donations to the Moose Lodge, 1 White Avenue, Richwood, WV. 304-846-6163. The Moose is located across from City Hall.
Donations of cleaning supplies and bottled water, take to either the Richwood Volunteer Fire Department or City Hall. City Hall is located at 7 White Avenue, Richwood, WV. Phone number is (304)846-2596. The Richwood Volunteer Fire Department (RVFD) is located at 10 White Avenue, Richwood, WV. Phone number For the RVFD is (304)846-4826.
All other donations take to the Richwood Volunteer Fire Department.
The Richwood Pantry has started a Go Fund Me campaign. You can make donations by clicking here.
Below is a picture of Richwood on a great, sunny day in 2014. This is how we want
Richwood to be remembered. Help us make this happen.
Today, members of the Richwood Pantry began the process of becoming GHP/GAP certified. What does this do for the Five Rivers initiative. Full certification and audit allows local farmers to market their produce using distributors like Crook Brothers and U. S. Foods. It also allows local produce to be sold through grocers like Food Land, Food Lion, Kroger’s and Walmart.
The Pantry now operates an Indoor- Farmers’ Market
On Friday, Barbara Radcliff, Director of the Pantry and Norvill Clark visited the West Virginia State Fair. The trip was made to meet with Cindy Martel, Marketing Specialist, of the West Virginia Department of Agriculture (WVDA). As a result of the trip:
The Pantry is now listed with the State of West Virginia as a Food Cooperative. This enables the Pantry to purchase produce at wholesale prices from local growers and distributors.
The Pantry is now able to receive promotional assistance from the WVDA. More on this later.
The Pantry is in the process of finding a location to provide locally grown produce to the communities of Richwood, Fenwick, Hinkle Mountain, Dane, New Hope and Nettie. For the immediate future, the Farmers’ Market is located in the Pantry at 14 Cherry River Plaza, Richwood, WV 26261
It is exciting times at the Pantry. We will keep you posted.
On August 1, 2015, the final Saturday of the Cherry River Festival, the Richwood Pantry began operating the Richwood Farmers Market.
This is a modest beginning. The goal is to provide fresh produce to residents of Richwood who have a difficult time traveling outside of the city. Produce provided are: